Scripts ======= :mod:`namedropper` command-line scripts lookup-names ------------ **lookup-names** is a command-line script which uses a remote service (currently DBpedia Spotlight) to identify and report on named resources, such as Persons, Places, and Organizations which are identified in the content of a plain text file, targeted sections of an Encoded Archival Description (EAD) XML document, or user-specified sections of a Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) XML document. The script will attempt to auto-detect the input document type (EAD, TEI, or plain text), but you can always explicitly set the document type with the ``--input`` option. Example usage:: $ lookup-names /path/to/my/textfile.txt $ lookup-names findingaid.xml To restrict the type of resources you want returned, or to adjust the minimum confidence and support scores (e.g., to filter out erroneous matches), you can pass specify additional parameters to be passed to the Spotlight service; for example, to require a confidence score of at least 0.5, a support score of at least 40, and restrict identified types to only Persons, Places, and Organizations:: $ lookup-names findingaid.xml --confidence 0.5 --support 40 --types "Person,Place,Organisation" Because TEI document structure is so variable, when examining a TEI document the script requires that you specify an XPath for the section of the document which you want looked up. When running in section-output (non-unique) mode, the script will display the first ``docTitle`` or ``head`` under the specified node as a section heading (currently only supports headings in the TEI namespace). The script currently considers XPath elements with the prefix ``t:`` to be in the TEI namespace. Some examples of using the script for different TEI documents:: $ lookup-names essay.xml --tei-xpath t:text/t:body/t:div $ lookup-names newspaper_issue.xml --tei-xpath t:text/t:body/t:div1/t:div2 $ lookup-names text_group_document.xml --tei-xpath //t:group/t:group/t:text To see a unique, sorted list of names and corresponding resource URIs in any input mode, use the ``--unique`` option. To see the scores for items returned by DBpedia Spotlight (e.g., in order to tune the confidence and support options for a given corpus), use the ``--scores`` option (cannot be used with ``--unique``). .. Note:: For large EAD documents, running this script is currently quite slow due to DBpedia Spotlight response times and the fact that individual paragraphs and container list descriptions are annotated individually. CSV output ^^^^^^^^^^ Use the ``--csv`` option to generate a CSV file with more detailed information about recognized names. Along with the recognized text and the DBpedia URI, this includes the support scores and some document context, to allow inspecting the results for accuracy and determining a good support score setting for your content. .. Note:: When opening the CSV output file in Excel, you should open it as Unicode UTF-8. Generate XML with tagged names ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To generate a new version of your EAD or TEI document with identified resources tagged, use the ``--output`` (or ``-o``) option and specify the name of the filename where you want the new version to be saved. Note that this feature is somewhat experimental. Before using it, you should first run the script and output the DBpedia annotation scores so that you can fine-tune the results to exclude as many as bogus results as you can (e.g., by increasing the minimum support score). It is also recommended to restrict the types to persons, places, and organizations (i.e., use ``--types Person,Place,Organisation``). You should, of course, carefully review changes made to the output file before accepting or using them. .. warning:: A web proxy is currently **required** for generating an output XML file. .. Note:: Due to the limitations of the software (DBpedia -> VIAF lookup is currently only implemented for personal names) and EAD name tags, which have attributes for authority control numbers (such as VIAF), but cannot reference a resource URI such as a DBpedia reference, non-personal names tagged in EAD will currently be added without any identifier or reference to the entity returned by DBpedia Spotlight. Generate XML with tagged names and OxygenXML track changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you use the ``--oxygen-track-changes`` flag when generating XML output, the resulting document will include OxygenXML 14.2+ track changes processing instructions, to allow for easier review and acceptance or rejection of the changes made. In cases where a name was untagged, the text will be marked as a deletion and the tagged version of the name will be marked as an insertion with a comment containing the description of the DBpedia resource, to aid in identifying whether the correct resource has been added. If a recognized name was previously tagged, a comment will be added indicating what attributes were added, or would have been added if they did not conflict with attributes already present in the document. count-nametags -------------- **count-nametags** is a command-line script for reporting on the number of tagged personal, corporate, and geographic names in a document. For EAD documents, the script reports on the total number of ``persname``, ``corpname``, and ``geogname`` tags in the specified document and the number of name tags with authority control, both the total by source and the number of unique identifiers for each type of name. .. Note:: Currently only EAD documents are supported.